Dentaal (1)Full unit name: Dentaal
Last updated: 06.11.2022 12:01:54
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
Known Facts (1)
Defection on Dentaal (1) »
Dentaal was a planet in the Core Worlds. Its population was eradicated by an outbreak of the Candorian plague during the Galactic Civil War. Its main city was Calif City. It was ruled by the House of Dentaal until Imperial Governor Taliff disbanded it - after they formed the Dentaal Independence Party and overthrew him, Crix Madine
Crix Madine
Supporting Characters
's Storm commandos
Imperial Storm Commando
Galactic Empire Military
wiped out much of the rebellious population by introducing the Candorian plague, which broke out in Calif City and spread over the entire Kindelian continent, killing over 10 billion people and eventually wiping out every single inhabitant of the planet. The Empire later blamed the plague, which killed nearly every living being on the planet, on the Rebel Alliance. During a series of military maneuvers on the planet, Madine simply disappeared from the Imperial armed forces. By that time, the Alliance discovered that the Empire also unleashed another plague on Sedesia.


See also
Related events
Massacre on Dentaal
Defection on Dentaal
Complete list

Full unit name: Dentaal Last updated: 06.11.2022 12:01:54